James Boileau

James Boileau

P.Eng., Construction Segment Director

Zurich North America

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Skills and experience

James Boileau serves as Construction Segment Director for The Zurich Services Corporation, where he is responsible for the technical direction of services offered to clients and underwriters. He also manages a team that studies emerging risks in the construction segment and leads the development of new products and services designed to help mitigate those risks.

External appointments

James joined Zurich’s Construction Risk Engineering team in 2002, serving in a variety of construction-dedicated technical and management roles. His career began in industrial construction with a general contractor as a quality assurance/quality control manager and progressed to direct project supervision in both commercial and industrial projects as Project Manager and Superintendent.

Educational background

James is licensed as a Professional Engineer, earning his Civil Engineering Degree from Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada. He is an active member of the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) and Professional Engineers of Ontario.