

Insurance for Wholesalers


Wholesale businesses are companies set up to organize the purchase or sale of goods for resale to other businesses. Wholesalers must navigate a complex and highly competitive supply chain, negotiating directly with manufacturers and importers, and maintaining relationships with their end clients. Wholesalers manage their supply through warehouses and often have a network of sales offices and/or front sales desks.

To be competitive, wholesalers today use cutting-edge technologies and software to manage the omni-channel buying experience, real-time tracking of goods within the supply chain, and order fulfillment within the last-mile delivery. Zurich offers a wide range of solutions that can help protect the unique exposures that a wholesale business could face.

Contact Us

Bill Seleznoff, CPCU
AVP Industry Practice Director, Wholesale, Retail
U.S. Middle Market
Mobile: 949-695-0038

Learn more

View our resources for insurance solutions for wholesale businesses

Article: Private Label Product Exposures for Wholesalers and Retailers 

Podcast: Wholesalers Face New Liability Risks

Why choose insurance from Zurich for a wholesale business?

Zurich understands the potential exposures that a wholesale business face running their operations. We offer an array of products and pre- and post-claim services to help address those exposures:  

  • Core commercial insurance coverages such as Property, General Liability, Inland Marine, Ocean Cargo, Auto, Workers’ Compensation, Management Liability, Cyber and International Insurance
  • Risk Engineering insights and service that can help reduce the frequency and severity of risk
  • Exceptional claims handling and customer service

Insurance solutions for Wholesale Businesses


Zurich’s broad all-risk Property form addresses exposures wholesale businesses face, including:
  • Selling price on merchandise and stock
  • Brands and labels included
  • Flexible Transit and Unnamed locations limits available
  • Unintentional Errors or Omissions
  • Better Green™ - coverage to rebuild to same or higher green standard automatically included via sublimit after a covered loss
  • Flexible Accounts Receivables, Valuable Papers, Electronic Data Processing Equipment, Media, and Fine Arts limits
  • Ordinance or law applies to all covered property and time element loss, not just buildings
  • Equipment breakdown coverage included with no sub-limit
  • Real property definition does not exclude insured’s interest in underground pipes, flues, drains and foundations of buildings, machinery or boilers

General Liability

  • Broad Named Insured (includes Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and Limited Liability Companies)
  • Blanket Additional Insured vendors coverage when required by contract 
  • Automatic Additional Insureds
  • Leased and temp workers included by definition
  • Bodily Injury includes mental anguish, mental injury, shock, fright or death

Workers' Compensation

  • Level and variable dividend options available
  • Loss sensitive programs available
  • Pay-as-you-go payroll options


Broadening coverage endorsement that adds 23 extensions in one form that includes:

  • Loan/lease gap
  • Employees as insureds
  • Fellow employee
  • Hired car loss of use
  • Hired auto-worldwide coverage
  • Waiver of subrogation when required by contract


  • Regionally-based international underwriting teams with expertise in navigating foreign legal, licensing and tax requirements
  • Exporter solutions
  • Coverage for domestic companies moving into the global arena
  • Zurich Envoy®
    • Coverage for companies with an established foreign presence
  • Zurich Travel Assist
    • Provides concierge services (e.g., forgotten prescription, lost passport) and facilitation for medical and security needs

Wholesalers may do business abroad or are planning to leverage opportunities outside of the U.S. As a leading global insurer, Zurich’s worldwide network of Underwriting, Risk Engineering, Claims and Compliance services — aided by innovative, proprietary digital tools — can help your business build a robust global risk-management program.


Risk Engineering Services

Zurich’s expertise is in identifying, assessing and helping address risk. Based on our experience and in-depth analysis of industry claims and trends, we offer Risk Engineering services tailored to address the most frequent and severe risks wholesalers could face, including:

  • Water intrusion and leak detection evaluation (smart sensors)
  • Water Damage Prevention and Mitigation Program
  • Infrared Thermography
  • Fleet program review and telematics implementation
  • Cyber risk assessment
  • Ergonomic reviews
  • Industrial hygiene evaluations
  • Safety Source’s complete on-line video library 
  • Ergonomic evaluations for office, front of house and warehouse staff incorporating wearable technology
customer service

Claims services

Zurich Claims specialists are strategically deployed across the U.S. and around the globe to help customers respond to and mitigate loss events, and to gain insights into ways to become more resilient against future losses with: 

  • An award-winning, Zurich-owned Customer Care Center available 24/71
  • Concierge Customer Service Executive, acting as a dedicated resource for all claims and related injuries 
  • Access to digital programs that provide a transparent claims process
  • Knowledgeable and reliable claims staff with industry-specific expertise 
  • When utilized, integrated Medical Management program yields a 63% reduction in medical bills costs, on average2
  • Top Mid-size Contact Center as recognized by Contact World in 2021
  • Zurich North America Claims Finance 2021 

1. Top Mid-size Contact Center as recognized by Contact World in 2021
2. Zurich North America Claims Finance 2021