Environmental emergency response
Whether it’s an accidental release of hazardous materials or diesel fuel leaking from vehicles, any spill requiring environmental emergency cleanup is a serious exposure that can put your company’s operations—and even its viability—at risk.
At Zurich, we understand that. It’s the reason why our environmental claims specialists and underwriters, working in collaboration with Spill CenterTM, developed the Zurich Environmental Emergency Response (ZEER) system to help businesses manage potentially catastrophic environmental losses.
For nearly 20 years, companies of all sizes have depended on ZEER for fast environmental emergency spill response, including dispatching cleanup contractors, investigation, coordinating regulatory reporting and helping manage environmental insurance claims.
But we’re not resting on our laurels.
Today’s ZEER uses innovative technology to deliver a 24/7 Incident Response system, connecting companies with the help they need…when they need it. Let ZEER help your business respond with urgency, reduce costs and mitigate potential liability.
How can Zurich Environmental Emergency Response help you?
Spill reporting simplified
Report a spill online or by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Use our Spill Reporting mobile app with geolocation capabilities to report spills from anywhere, and instantly access user profiles that can reduce incident intake time by up to 90%.
Download the Spill Reporting mobile app:

24/7 Contact Center
Online or by phone, get a professional spill consultation any time, any day of the week, so you can take action quickly to help reduce your liability.
Download ZEER Brochure 1.01 MB/PDF)
Regulatory requirements
ZEER produces spill reports on your company’s behalf to help you meet regulatory requirements, working from a database of over 22,000 spill, response and environmental regulations.
- Coordinated assistance in completing the required local, state and federal release reports
- Constant reviews and updates of regulatory requirements
- Full electronic data package with all outgoing correspondence
Environmental contractors
Drawing from our network of over 3,000 qualified contractors throughout North America, we will quickly dispatch environmental contractors for site spill cleanup.
- We work with contractors experienced with specific types of skills, minimizing costs and potential liability.
- The scope of work for the spill is monitored in real time to ensure the proper work is performed.
- Every spill, no matter how small, can be identified, reviewed and recorded immediately.
Crisis management alerts
Get customized, internal alert distribution so your organization is ready to respond to a crisis.
Emergency response coordinators
Our environmental emergency response coordinators average 30 years of experience in handling environmental spills and emergencies.
The ZEER system is customizable to meet the needs of a wide range of different organizations across different lines of business. The technology we employ is scalable for global programs and customers.
Sign up today
888-SPILL-HELP (888-774-5543)