Business Travel Coverage Request
Letter of Intent to Bind the Zurich BTA Plan
This plan and the rates specified in this document are only available to employers that meet the following criteria:
1. The number of employees is between 2 and 5,000.
2. The employer is not engaged in the following industries: agriculture; forestry; fishing; mining; oil and gas extraction, refining or pipelines; construction; meat, poultry or seafood processing; textile mills; logging or sawmills; explosives; primary metal industries; ammunition or gun manufacturing; shipbuilding; missile and space vehicle or parts manufacturing; tank manufacturing; transportation; refuse haulers or handlers; detective, guard or armored car services; news syndicates; entertainment; professional sports; racing; amusement parks; police, fire or EMS; correctional institutions; national security or international affairs; and non-classifiable establishments. Companies in these industries are not eligible for this plan and are encouraged to complete an application for a custom quote. Please contact your representative from Zurich North America for more information or for assistance.
3. Brokers must be appropriately licensed and appointed by Zurich North America.
4. Requests to bind coverage must be received prior to the policy effective date.
5. Coverage may not be considered bound prior to confirmation being provided by Zurich North America.
6. This plan is intended to cover U.S. employees only. Please speak with a representative of Zurich North America if coverage is being sought for non-U.S. personnel.
Please note that the plan and rates included here are intended only for groups with between 2 and 5,000 employees in selected industries. To learn more about additional plan options – inclusive of fully customizable proposals, multinational/controlled master programs, and our full suite of available coverage and benefits for groups of any size and in a wide variety of industries – please contact ryan.august@zurichna.com.
To request coverage, please complete the following required fields, then submit the form.