
Commercial Casualty Insurance

What is Commercial Casualty Insurance?

Commercial Casualty Insurance is broad protection to address loss from injuries to people and damage to their property and the legal liability arising from these accidents. For businesses, potential accident-related losses are a risk to company performance and financial stability.

Anticipating current and emerging risks demands the right mix of casualty insurance solutions, including general liability, workers’ compensation, automobile, and excess liability. Each coverage should be tailored to the size, structure and evolving needs of a business. How a company manages their liability risk can vary greatly based on their risk tolerance and mitigation strategy.

Why choose Zurich for casualty insurance?

We understand that insurance policies are just one aspect of a comprehensive risk management strategy. Our broad offering of bundled and unbundled casualty insurance solutions includes the dedicated support of an extensive customer service operation. The safety knowledge of our global network of Risk Engineers, our Claims team’s award-winning Customer Care Center, and medical management and legal services administered through third-party providers all help to identify risk exposures, address them, and respond quickly and effectively when your business is impacted.

For those companies with greater risk tolerance and a focus on safety and loss control, Zurich can work with you to develop a loss-sensitive or captive solution that can help provide greater control and oversight of your casualty insurance program.


740,000+ claims are managed with top-tier NPS® results.


Integrated medical management yields an average 61% reduction in medical bill costs.


Our skilled Risk Engineers provide insights and guidance that can help reduce the frequency and severity of losses.

Commercial Casualty Solutions


Domestic Casualty Insurance

Zurich provides large and multinational customers access to one of the broadest portfolios of products and services in the business. Along with General Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Automobile, Excess Liability and other Casualty Insurance solutions, we help deliver the claims features, flexibility and savings you need. We accomplish this by listening to your needs and tailoring a program designed to help your business achieve its specific goals.

Zurich can help you reduce your total cost of risk. The choice is clear. By taking a holistic view of both the direct costs of a claim event as well as the indirect costs that may accrue over time, Zurich can help you better understand your organization’s total cost of risk and build a strategy that can lead to better outcomes.

Zurich’s Transitional Collateral Build-Up Program

Global Casualty Insurance

Depending on the countries and territories where your business operates, your single point of contact with Zurich will provide essential types of multinational Casualty Insurance solutions, including General Liability, Commercial Automobile, Workers’ Compensation, Umbrella insurance and more.

A Zurich Multinational Program provides one multinational solution to address property and casualty exposures in more than 210 countries and territories. Along with a master policy supported by locally issued policies, we offer a leading network of Underwriters, Risk Engineers and Claims professionals delivering services you need, everywhere you need them. And our leading global data network connects all Zurich operations worldwide to help provide consistent, efficient service.


Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)

Zurich maintains a committed investment in providing a stable insurance market for this distinctive business segment. We offer innovative products and services, and our centralized team of PEO insurance professionals understands the business and has the knowledge to help.

We offer flexible policy structuring that can incorporate high-deductible plans with deductible buy-backs, incurred-loss retrospective plans and captive capabilities.

Learn how we help PEOs

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