Single-Parent Captives
What is a single-parent captive?
A single-parent captive, also called a pure captive, is a licensed reinsurance company formed by a corporation to (re)insure its own risks. Single-parent captives have been around as self-insurance tools in one form or another since the late 19th century. They grew in use during the 1950s and 1960s, with adoption expanding dramatically during the challenging liability markets of the mid-1980s.1
What are the benefits of a single-parent captive?
Today, single-parent captives help companies in virtually all industry segments manage non-life, life and employee benefit insurance programs, with many now accepting third-party business to help parent organizations further share risk.
Single-parent captives help companies build greater flexibility and predictability into their risk management strategies, with greater cost control and awareness about their risk exposures.
Additional information:
For more information, contact:
Kay EisensteinVP – Captive & Reinsurance Manager
How does Zurich help single-parent captives?
With an in-depth knowledge of this dynamic market, our Captives professionals develop end-to-end, holistic solutions that can evolve as risk management needs change. In fact, among Zurich Single-Parent Captives customers, about 40% have been Zurich Captives customers for at least 10 years, reflecting our understanding of customer needs, broad insurance offering and effective, long-term solutions.
How can Zurich help you make the most of your single-parent captive?
Tap into Zurich’s Captives specialists and world-class resources to explore how you can achieve greater flexibility, cost effectiveness and insights for your risk management strategy, with digital tools providing 24/7 access to claims activity and loss-mitigation resources.
What are customer saying about the Zurich Captive experience?
- Global pharmaceutical customer
- Major car rental customer
- Global food manufacturer
Integrating Employee Benefits into your Captive
Zurich’s Employee Benefit Captive solution from Zurich Global Employee Benefits Solutions supports multinational companies seeking increased control over their employee benefit risk strategies. By reinsuring local benefit plans into a captive, companies can improve cash flow, enhance employee benefits, and gain access to valuable data. Experience the benefits of consolidating employee benefits and non-life risks into a captive, enhancing governance, supporting corporate ESG strategies, and leveraging purchasing power effectively.