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Casualty Risk Management Services

Zurich Resilience Solutions 

Protect your business with Casualty Risk Management Services

From slips, trips and falls on the production floor to a vehicle damaged by a parking valet, the potential claims that can upend the day-to-day operations of a business — or even threaten its long-term stability — can seem infinite. Fortunately, properly planned and executed casualty risk management can help limit the potential impacts, losses and third-party actions related to those risks. Zurich Resilience Solutions’ (ZRS) Casualty professionals have the experience and deep knowledge to help our customers address Casualty risks.

Benefits of choosing Zurich Resilience Solutions for your casualty risk needs

The Risk Engineers of ZRS come from industry backgrounds that inform their risk management guidance. So, whether your company is in oil production, fleet management, dining and hospitality, manufacturing, or another industry, ZRS can bring insights drawn from a knowledge of that business to complement broader risk management strategies. Working in close consultation with our customers, we help identify the risks most impactful to an organization, leveraging experience, loss data and onsite assessment. Our services help address not only immediate operational risks, but are intended to support broader business impacts, targeting productivity and employee retention.

What Casualty Risk Management Services does Zurich Resilience Solutions provide?

The suite of ZRS services is always evolving to meet the challenge of an ever-changing risk landscape, and customized to specific business models. Casualty services fall under three key areas of focus:

  • Ergonomic evaluation and training, helping companies determine MSD (musculoskeletal disorder) risk, leveraging data driven results.
  • Industrial hygiene assessment and consultation to support selection of controls following industry leading guidance
  • Customized Learning management platform to support industry specific challenges with high turnover 
  • Program development to support fleets of all sizes, ranging from sedans to commercial motor vehicles
  • Comprehensive selection of driver safety trainings, and orientation strategies
  • Distracted driver solutions, leveraging Artificial intelligence, notification suppression software and behavior modification strategies
  • Slip, trip and fall (STF) solutions assessments and exposure mitigation training performed by trained specialists, in tribometry. 

Zurich Resilience Solutions security services

Today, companies can more commonly face risks once thought to be rare, such as active shooter incidents or unknowingly bringing in workers or third-party vendors involved in human trafficking. ZRS offers prevention and response guidance for violent and traumatic events, technology capabilities for company notification, and drills to support compliance and methods to alert police and other authorities. We also offer program assessment and development to raise awareness of potential worker trafficking and exploitation.

Services to meet your specific risks and region

Different lines of business may need to put more emphasis on some areas of risk than others. ZRS works with your company to find the right in-person or online safety training (including Train the Trainer services) to address a wide range of safety issues, from ergonomics to equipment use and more. We can also offer state- and region-specific services to help your business meet varying compliance needs, such as sexual harassment training for requirements that can differ by state, OSHA requirements and more.

Additional Resources

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Commerical Casualty Insurance

Comprehensive risk mitigation planning includes making sure you have the right insurance coverage.

Learn more about Zurich Casualty Insurance

Learn more about Workers Compensation Insurance

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Casuality Risk Management Services: Addressing exposures on and off premises

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