Vehicle owner claims
To report a claim:
- Take your vehicle to any dealership or state-licensed repair facility.
- Have the repair facility verify coverage and obtain a repair authorization number from Zurich before any repair is made by calling 800-643-9059.
- Submit invoice/repair order to Zurich verifying the authorized repair has been completed.
- Pay deductible, if applicable, and any non-covered expenses.
- Zurich pays the repair facility directly.
Additional benefits:
- 24/7 emergency roadside assistance
- Rental car coverage
- Trip interruption coverage
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
- 800-643-9059 (7 am-8 pm Central, Monday-Friday)
- vsc.review@zurichna.com (invoice/repair orders)
- vscclaim@zurichna.com (general questions)
To report a claim:
- Take your vehicle to any dealership or state-licensed repair facility.
- Have the repair facility verify coverage and obtain a repair authorization number from Zurich before any repair is made by calling 800-494-3214.
- Submit invoice/repair order to Zurich verifying the authorized repair has been completed.
- Pay deductible, if applicable, and any non-covered expenses.
- Zurich pays the repair facility directly.
Additional benefits:
- Substitute vehicle coverage (on-road motorcycles only)
- Pickup reimbursement coverage (does not apply to all contracts)
- Trip interruption coverage (on-road motorcycles only)
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
- 800-494-3214 (8 am-5 pm Central, Monday-Friday)
- vsc.review@zurichna.com (invoice/repair orders)
- vscclaim@zurichna.com (general questions)
To report a claim:
- Take your vehicle to any dealership or state-licensed repair facility.
- Have the repair facility verify coverage and obtain a repair authorization number from Zurich before any repair is made by calling 800-643-9059.
- Submit invoice/repair order to Zurich verifying the authorized repair has been completed.
- Pay deductible, if applicable, and any non-covered expenses.
- Zurich pays the repair facility directly.
Additional benefits:
- 24/7 emergency roadside assistance
- Rental car coverage
- Trip interruption coverage
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
- 800-643-9059 (7 am-8 pm Central, Monday-Friday)
- vsc.review@zurichna.com (invoice/repair orders)
- vscclaim@zurichna.com (general questions)
To report a claim:
- Take your vehicle to any dealership or state-licensed repair facility.
- Have the repair facility verify coverage and obtain a repair authorization number from Zurich before any repair is made by calling 800-491-5117.
- Submit invoice/repair order to Zurich verifying the authorized repair has been completed.
- Pay deductible, if applicable, and any non-covered expenses.
- Zurich pays the repair facility directly.
Additional benefits:
- 24/7 emergency roadside assistance
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
- 800-491-5117 (7 am-8 pm Central, Monday-Friday)
- vsc.review@zurichna.com (invoice/repair orders)
- vscclaim@zurichna.com (general questions)
To report a claim:
- Take your vehicle to any dealership or state-licensed repair facility.
- Have the repair facility verify coverage and obtain a repair authorization number from Zurich before any repair is made by calling 800-494-3214.
- Submit invoice/repair order to Zurich verifying the authorized repair has been completed.
- Pay deductible, if applicable, and any non-covered expenses.
- Zurich pays the repair facility directly.
Additional benefits:
- Pickup reimbursement
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
- 800-494-3214 (8 am-5 pm Central, Monday-Friday)
- vsc.review@zurichna.com (invoice/repair orders)
- vscclaim@zurichna.com (general questions)
To report a claim:
- Take your vehicle to the dealership from which you purchased the Prepaid Maintenance Contract. Maintenance not performed by the selling dealership is not eligible for reimbursement.
- Sign the repair order/invoice showing maintenance has been provided.
Additional benefits:
- 24/7 emergency roadside assistance
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
- 800-643-9059 (7 am-8 pm Central, Monday-Friday)
- vsc.review@zurichna.com (invoice/repair orders)
- vscclaim@zurichna.com (general questions)
To report a Zurich, Mercedes Benz Financial First Class GAP or Sprinter GAP claim:
- Call Zurich at 888-801-3078 and obtain the GAP Claims checklist.
- Submit the required documents to Zurich using one of the following options (include your claim number and the vehicle owner's name on all submissions)
- usz.gapclaims@zurichna.com
- 913-498-5587
To check the status of an existing GAP claim:
To report a claim:
- Call Zurich at 888-801-3078 and obtain the Security Guard Claims checklist.
- Submit the required documents to Zurich using one of the following options (include your claim number and the vehicle owner's name on all submissions)
- usz.gapclaims@zurichna.com
P.O. Box 7986
Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0986 - 913-498-5587
To check the status of an existing Universal Security Guard claim:
To report a claim:
- Call the Premier Dent Coverage repair center at 800-220-4924.
- A customer service representative will take your repair request and assign a technician.
- The technician will contact you within two business days to arrange a convenient time to perform the repair at the dealership. If you are more than 50 miles from the dealership, the customer service representative will arrange to have the vehicle repaired at a location convenient for you.
- The technician will repair the vehicle while you wait - most repairs can be completed in about an hour.
- You will inspect your vehicle to ensure the repairs were performed to your complete satisfaction and sign the repair form.
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
* Prior authorization from the Administrator, Dent Zone Companies, Inc., is required for all repairs reimbursable under the Service Agreement. Customer may not seek service from any other vendor or receive any provision of service under their Service Agreement without prior approval.
Simoniz® GlassCoat™ and MotoTect™
To report a claim:
- Call Simoniz® customer service at 833-539-1660 or follow the step-by-step instructions to file a claim online at www.simonizclaims.com.
- Once the claim is approved, Simoniz® will send a check directly to the repair facility. A filed claim typically takes 4-6 business days to process from start to finish.
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
* Prior authorization from the Administrator, Simoniz Specialty Markets Division, LLC is required for all Simoniz® GlassCoat™ or Simoniz® MotoTect™ repairs. Claims will only be paid to the original owner or transferee of original limited warranty. Any repair undertaken without written authorization of Simoniz Specialty Markets Division, LLC will not be reimbursed. The owner of the vehicle must report all claims within 30 days following the notice of any damage covered by this limited warranty. Proof of ownership may be required.
Zurich Shield® Environmentally Advanced Protection or Windshield Protection
To report a claim, choose from one of the following options:
- 866-957-3377
- www.zurichshield.com (File a claim online)
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
To report a claim:
- Call 877-501-3795.
- Obtain a tracking number for key replacement consideration.
- Pay for replacement at a servicing dealership or qualified key replacement facility.
- Secure paid invoice with pre-printed facility information.
- Mail invoice and copy of motor club registration page within 30 days of incident to:
Key Replacement Dept.
4287 Beltline Road, #238
Addison, TX 75001
For coverage questions or to check your claims status:
Emergency Roadside Assistance:
Please refer to your contract for eligibility, phone number and instructions.
Vehicle Owner Claims Contact Information