KAMP history
On September 11, 2001, Zurich North America lost four colleagues in the World Trade Center attacks: John Keohane, Peggy Alario, Kathy Moran and Lud Picarro. Since 2002, Zurich has celebrated their lives by presenting the KAMP Leadership Award to deserving employee leaders. KAMP is an acronym representing each of our colleagues’ last names, but it also serves as a reminder about Keeping A Meaningful Perspective, something each of those friends and colleagues exemplified in their lives. The KAMP Leadership Award is a tribute to their spirit of courage, dedication, integrity and passion.

Kamp Remembrance Garden
Kamp Remembrance Garden
On the one-year anniversary of 9/11, Zurich created a living legacy to our colleagues lost tragically that day, establishing the KAMP Remembrance Garden as a place of tribute and reflection.

Commitment to rebuilding New York City
Commitment to rebuilding New York City
Over the years, Zurich has invested our time and talents to the greater New York community through efforts with SBP, LPSHS and other organizations. In 2016, Zurich made a four-year commitment of $500,000 towards the new construction of the expanded 9/11 Tribute Center.

KAMP Leadership Award Winners
KAMP Leadership Award Winners
Nominated by their colleagues, KAMP Leadership Award winners demonstrate leadership, extraordinary care and passion for their work, a courageous spirit in the workplace, a high standard of integrity, and leadership and commitment to the larger community.